Friday, December 23, 2011

settling in....merry christmas!

I'm signing off for a few days....
But wanted to show you my shirt. It was my dad's, so I feel pretty cool. 
Plus it covers my embarrassingly nekkid chicken legs. 
Feeling pretty fact, you could tell me it was all just a bad dream and I'd believe you!
I know I was naughty this year but...I hope Santa will take pity on me. 
I mean, if this isn't pitiful...I don't know what is!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm home, I ate, I'm sleeping

Ahh, the comforting joy of cool air on my face, the smell of my backyard
and the sounds of the birds.

disclaimer: i am missing some leg hair somehow...doing my best to get handsome again asap. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Today is the big day.

I am having my bad elbows operated on. 
Hopefully everything will go smoothly and they will fix my elbows 
so that I can have a long life full of running and playing! 

wish me luck. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

well, friends...

I was honored to receive the Liebster Blog award for my excellence in looking handsome while I sleep, play, eat, drink, swim, run, sit in time out, get yelled at, go on walks, meet other dogs...etc...I mean,
look at me. 

What on earth is a Liebster blog award? I haven't the slightest clue.
 Mom is going to take over here for a bit while I rest from a busy morning spent being good looking. 

Liebster Blog Rules:
(1) Thank the blogger that gave you the award and then add a link to their blog.
THANK YOU, KAT! A young blogger who chronicles the life and times of her beloved dogs, Holly and Bri, who are helping her to overcome Social Phobia. As soon as I read her bio, I was hooked! 
I think you will be, too. Not to mention, her puppy Newfoundland, Bri might just be the cutest, fluffiest little bear I have ever seen. While reading her blog, I spend most of the time shaking my head wondering how something 
could be so darn cute. (Yes, Hemingway, you're still cute, too!)
  Angel of the Mind 

(2) Reveal your top five picks (with less than 200 readers) and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
This one proves to be a challenge for me. Most of the blogs I read have well over 200 readers, and are mostly fashion/design/lifestyle related. But I do have one dear friend for whom I will gladly give a shout out. Kristen is smart, witty and she's just like you and me, which is why her blog is interesting. She peppers her blog with nuggets of truth and wisdom regarding life with a Newfoundland, 2 cats and a toddler. What I find most compelling about her writing is that, well, I can relate to it on some level...and isn't that the best kind of reading material? Not to mention her kiddo is so incredibly, deliciously adorable. The kind of adorable that makes you want to have babies, even though you just read her post about baby vomit. 
Read on, and wince...and laugh...

(3) Copy and Paste the Award to Your Blog.

(4) Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers, and keep it going!
(Only if you feel like it, K.) ;)

Friday, December 2, 2011